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JavaScript SDK

FeatureProbe is an open source feature management service. This SDK is used to control features in JavaScript programs.


For users who needs to use metric analysis, please upgrade JavaScript SDK to version 2.0.1 . From this version, we support sending click, page view, and custom events.

SDK quick links

In addition to this reference guide, we provide source code, API reference documentation, and sample applications at the following links:

SDK API documentation SDK API docs
GitHub repositoryClient Side SDK for JavaScript
Sample applicationsDemo code (HTML+JS)
Published modulenpm

Try Out Demo Code

We provide a runnable demo code for you to understand how FeatureProbe SDK is used.

  1. First, you need to choose which environment FeatureProbe is connected to control your program

  2. Download this repo and run the demo program:

git clone
cd client-sdk-js
  1. Modify the link information in the example/index.html program.

    • For online demo environment:

      client_sdk_key snapshot

    • For local docker environment:

      • remoteUrl = "http://YOUR_DOCKER_IP:4009/server"
      • clientSdkKey = "client-25614c7e03e9cb49c0e96357b797b1e47e7f2dff"
  2. Run the program.

// open example/index.html in browser

Step-by-Step Guide

In this guide we explain how to use feature toggles in a JavaScript application using FeatureProbe.

Step 1. Install the JavaScript SDK

First, install the FeatureProbe SDK as a dependency in your application.


npm install featureprobe-client-sdk-js --save

Or via CDN:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Step 2. Create a FeatureProbe instance

After you install and import the SDK, create a single, shared instance of the FeatureProbe sdk.


const user = new FPUser();

const fp = new FeatureProbe({
remoteUrl: /* FeatureProbe Server URI */,
clientSdkKey: /* clientSdkKey */,


Or via CDN:

const user = new featureProbe.FPUser();

const fp = new featureProbe.FeatureProbe({
remoteUrl: /* FeatureProbe Server URI */,
clientSdkKey: /* clientSdkKey */,


Step 3. Use the instance to get your setting value

You can use sdk to check which value this user will receive for a given feature flag.

fp.on('ready', function() {
const result = fp.boolValue('YOUR_TOGGLE_KEY', false);
if (result) {
} else {
const reason = fp.boolDetail('YOUR_TOGGLE_KEY', false);

Step 4. Unit Testing (Optional)


test("feature probe unit testing", (done) => {
let fp = FeatureProbe.newForTest({ testToggle: true });

fp.on("ready", function () {
let t = fp.boolValue('YOUR_TOGGLE_KEY', false);

Or via CDN:

test("feature probe unit testing", (done) => {
let fp = featureProbe.FeatureProbe.newForTest({ testToggle: true });

fp.on("ready", function () {
let t = fp.boolValue('YOUR_TOGGLE_KEY', false);

Track events


JavaScript SDK supports event tracking from version 2.0.1.

JavaScript SDK supports tracking custom events, pageview events and click events.

The track of pageview events and click events is done by the SDK itself automatically, you have no need to write any code.

Track custom events

After the SDK is ready, call the track api.

fp.on('ready', function() {
const result = fp.boolValue('YOUR_TOGGLE_KEY', false);
if (result) {
} else {
const reason = fp.boolDetail('YOUR_TOGGLE_KEY', false);

// Send a custom event.
// The first parameter is the event name,
// the second parameter is optional, it means a metric value to track
fp.track('YOUR_CUSTOM_EVENT_NAME_2', 5.5);

Available options

This SDK takes the following options:

remoteUrldependsn/aThe unified URL to get toggles and post events
togglesUrlnon/aThe specific URL to get toggles, once set, remoteUrl will be ignored
eventsUrlnon/aThe specific URL to post events, once set, remoteUrl will be ignored
clientSdkKeyyesn/aThe Client SDK Key is used to authentification
useryesn/aThe User with attributes like name, age is used when toggle evaluation
refreshIntervalno1000The SDK check for updated in millisecond
timeoutIntervalno10000Timeout for SDK initialization, SDK will emit an error event when timeout is reaching

SDK Events

  • ready - Emit ready event after successfully fetching toggles from Server
  • cache_ready - Emit cache_ready event after successfully fetching toggles from LocalStorage
  • error - Emit error event when error fetching toggles from Server and timeout exceeded
  • update - Emit update event every time successfully fetching toggles from Server, except for the first time (Emit ready event first time)
  • fetch_toggle_error - Emit fetch_toggle_error event every time error fetching toggles from Server
  • fetch_event_error - Emit fetch_event_error event when error fetching events(Custom events, Pageview events and Click events) from Server during SDK initialization


npm run test